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Private Revenue Perfins of New South Wales

An Elsmore Coath production

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User: Kodak Australasia Pty Ltd

Photographic Equipment and Processing

Address: 379-381 George St, NSW

Revenue Use:

Numeral 1917-28 issue 2d

Numeral 1929-66 issue  3d

Rarity Scale:

Numeral 1917-28 issue 2d R4

Numeral 1929-66 issue 3d R4

Railway Use:

1918 issue 1d

Rarity Scale:

1918 issue 1d R4

Background: *George Eastman started experimenting with photographic technology in the late 1870’s and formed the Eastman Dry Plate Company in London in 1881. Eastman pioneered film on rolls and this revolutionised the photography industry. The business grew quickly to become Eastman Kodak Company by 1892 with a web of related companies in the United States, Canada and throughout Europe.


Kodak Australasia was formed in 1908 by the merger of Kodak with the Victorian based Baker and Rouse Pty Ltd who had operated the Austral Plate Company since 1884. The Kodak production facilities were located at Abbottsford in Melbourne but they operated retail and distribution offices in Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide.


Notably Baker and Rouse were also perfin users with a B&R pattern found on postage stamps between 1906 and 1910 but this pattern has not been found on revenues to date.


Device: This Sydney device was a single die device as it is able to produce central strikes on stamps of a range of sizes. It is found used on both revenue and railway stamps of NSW as well as postage stamps of Australia. Usage spans from c1919 until at least 1953.


The pattern is characterised by thick pins which generally give a clear strike. It was a robust device and the pattern is complete until late in its use although very late use (1953) does show incomplete strikes. Please note that despite it's appearance the 'K' is not symmetrical so it may be that at first try it does not match the reference provided patterns. If so turn the stamp over and try to match it again.


Related Patterns: Refer to other Kodak patterns in




QLD: K.a


VIC: K.a, K.b, KL.a


WA: K.a:


*Museum of Victoria 'Kodak Heritage Collection'



User: Kodak Australasia Pty Ltd

Photographic Equipment and Processing

Address: 379-381 George St, NSW

Railway Use:

1907 issue 1/-

Rarity Scale:

1907 issue 1/- R4

Background: See K.a above


Device: The K.LTD.a device is found used on the railway stamps and postage stamps of NSW as well as the postage stamps of Australia from 1913.


The device was only in use for a short period between 1905 until 1916 and was most likely a single die device, as multiple strikes do not show any consistent relationship to each other.


Located at the companies Sydney office the device was replaced by the K.a device (see above) in about 1912. The overlap is difficult to explain as the K.a device is also a single die device and so there seems no advantage in moving to another device. However later use of the KLTD.a device shows many consistent missing pins, particularly in the centre of the K and this may have influenced the company to decide to move to a new device.


Interestingly there are a number of rare K patterns found used on postage stamps in Sydney in the 1920's and this may indicate that there was a second site that required a perforating device and therefore explain the overlap of the KLTD.a and K.a devices.


Related Patterns: Refer to other Kodak patterns in:


NSW: K.a


QLD: K.a


VIC: K.a, K.b, KL.a


WA: K.a


*Museum of Victoria 'Kodak Heritage Collection'


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