On going Australian Perfin study projects

     Read all about the Victoria Titles Office T O Perfin

An Introduction To Perfins By Peter Simpfendorfer

Catalogue listing of PCNZA Perforated Stamps on New Zealand Issues

Catalogue Listing of PCNZA Perforated Stamps on AAT, Christmas Islands, & Cocos (Keeling) Islands   

UPDATED JUNE 2024   Australian Catalogue Listing of PCNZA Perforated Stamps

Chronological listing of the Tattersall's 'A' Patterns

Alfred Edments

Co-operative Society Adelaide

GO & Co What's the GO

Goldsbrough Mort Co Ltd Adelaide

GV OS Inverted

Howard Smith & Co Ltd pdf file

Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance  

New South Wales 20/- Carrington by kind permission of the author Ben Palmer & 'Sydney Views' Journal of the Australian States Study Circle, Royal Sydney Philatelic Clubpdf file

New Zealand Insurance Company

New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency (updated 2013)

Perfin Book Update & Perfin 'L' for Lowood

Queensland Inverted OS  

Queensland Provisional OS Perfin

Tasmania Litho ½d OS Shown here on www.perfins.com.au by kind permission of the author Jerry Weirich & 'THE INFORMER' April 2011 pdf file

Vacuum Oil Co

Western Australia Perfins


About this page:

This page is here due to the lack of published Australian specialised perfin studies. Rather than focusing on simplistic listings and company historical background, this link is set up to get into the heart of perfin research.

This may not be for you. You may be happy to continue to tick off your holdings one by one from published lists thinking no further, other than to tick off the next pattern that you acquire.

If curiosity takes you further, then welcome, by reading on you are now entering the next level of perfin collecting.

'Turning the Perfin Collector into a Perfin Philatelist'




Future research projects will be published on this web site, please keep us bookmarked:

If you feel this is for you, please make contact with David Coath

1. To produce an on line easy updatable serial of 'Australian Private Perfins' A-Z. This on line catalogue will be slow to start and never ending, but will be here to quench the thirst of the perfin specialist. It will not include any service patterns at this time that make up around two thirds [approx 2000] of known Australian patterns that will bring the count way back to one third [approx 1000]. In saying that, if you feel you would like to contribute, or even take on the service patterns please make contact with Dave Elsmore

2.  To update and correct previous published perfin works.

3. To increase philatelic awareness of the depth of research one can accomplish rather than just a simplistic listing. Further to open the eyes of perfin collectors and turn them into 'Perfin Philatelists'.

4. Major help to encourage Perfin exhibiting.

The above points are ongoing projects that will be years in the making.

Why not join the fun.




